Human Rights Unity

The content of this site will inform you about the structure of the RDH, Rassemblement des Droits de l’Homme in France, so that you can become familiar with our ideology.

Our American representatives will soon be replacing the content of the RDH, dealing with French politics, by the HRU program, domains of intervention and measures for the American people.

Artistic and cultural accessibility subcommettee

France shines throughout the world thanks to the wealth of its artistic and cultural heritage, representing a real asset for tourism.

This heritage is a reflection of the history of France over centuries, shaped by man.

The French are the heirs and owners of this wealth of which they are so proud.

This principal objective of this space is to address the difficulties with access to our heritage: for lack of financial means, difficulties with getting around. …and to propose solutions so that everyone can derive the greatest interest from this heritage.