Human Rights Unity

The content of this site will inform you about the structure of the RDH, Rassemblement des Droits de l’Homme in France, so that you can become familiar with our ideology.

Our American representatives will soon be replacing the content of the RDH, dealing with French politics, by the HRU program, domains of intervention and measures for the American people.

Education Training Employment Committee

At HRU, we think that the best people to decide for the country are the citizens. We place the Human Being at the centre of our actions and our decisions for a more just world for all and to give meaning to the words: “society”, “live and talk together”.

Why are education, employment and training doing so poorly in the country despite all the reforms?

Surely, you’ve come back to this question a million times without finding an answer, or maybe you’re afraid of being labelled a reactionary or a conspirator. Have you come to the conclusion that the political class that leads us is only interested in maintaining its caste privileges?

France is plunged into academic obscurantism, the bankruptcy of employment, the factory of the poor with failing unemployment insurance. Vocational training, whose means of access discourage the employee and offer little reward for merit, gives a heavy impression of immobility.

To put a citizen in a precarious situation is to make him dependent on a job, the tools of which do not belong to him or even: for which he becomes the tool for its subsistence, in order to avoid any form of protest and to nip any new thoughts in the bud.

Education, employment and training, in a state of crisis, are paradoxically the most likely to produce wealth and growth for the country when they work. They ensure the same opportunities, based on merit and without discrimination.

This is exactly where we need to focus our efforts.

Together we can do away with the taboos and break the chains that prevent all French people from being well-trained and having access to a good job throughout life. Allow everyone to find his place, to move at his own pace, to be himself without discrimination.

The Education Training and Employment Committee offers you the opportunity to enrich your exchanges with all French people and to set up think tanks in our territory to find solutions.