Philippe Argillier was raised in a very influential family of the Côte d’Azur.

His maternal grandfather, who was Corsican, and with whom he was very close, was a hero of the resistance during the Second World War. He saved many Jewish families. As Police Commissioner in Nice, he received the names of the people who were to be deported to the concentration camps from the Gestapo. Risking his life, he warned them or sometimes hid them. Philippe was also very close to his maternal grandmother. He never knew his paternal grandparents.
His father, Commander Argillier, played a very important role during World War II in Lebanon and Syria, where he was responsible for resolving conflicts between Bedouin tribes. Patriot emeritus, he was one of the first, and the youngest lieutenant to heed the rallying call of General de Gaulle on June 18, 1940. He has received many awards for his brilliant military career: TOE War Cross with Palm, Cross of the Resistance Volunteer, Cross of the Fighter, Medal of Free France, Officer of the Legion of Honor. For more than 20 years, he chaired the Association of Free French Forces of Alpes Maritimes. From 1979 to 1989, alongside Jacques Medecin, deputy mayor of the city of Nice, he served as deputy mayor for veterans and victims of war. In addition to his activities as deputy mayor, he participated in the expansion of the city of Nice.

It was at this time that Philippe developed a great friendship with Mr. Medecin who became his unofficial godfather. Mr. Medecin was impressed by the entrepreneurial talents of the young Philippe who, at the age of 16, had already started two karate clubs in Nice. Philippe had discovered a passion for martial arts and earned his black belt. His master is Sensei Taiji Kase.

“During one of my training sessions in the United States. This position is called Kiba-dachi. It’s the basic stance of Shotokan Karate, which I’ve practiced since the age of 16.“
It was also at this time that his mother taught him to keep his first bank account. She was often with her husband and managed the family affairs as well as the real estate properties belonging to them. Philippe was very close to his nanny, who still works for the family. She now takes care of the gardens of one of his properties. Philippe has an older sister who lives abroad.
In 1978, at the age of 19, he joined the Army for a year in Marseilles, serving with the train des équipages (transport regiment), and graduated first in his class in a national program of special defense. He received military honors from his colonel.
In 1980, he organized the sale of several properties that belonged to his family.
In 1981, when François Mitterrand came to power, Mr. Medecin advised him to join him in Los Angeles, where he lived part of the year. Wanting to continue his studies, Philippe enrolled at UCLA in an intensive program to perfect his English and finished first in his class.
In 1982, Philippe obtained the position of Director of Security at The Palace in Los Angeles (Hollywood and Vine). Like Studio 54 in New York, which had its heyday for thirty months between 1977 and 1980, the Palace became the most famous establishment in the United States. As Director of Security, he trained and supervised a team of 20 people.
In 1983, he became the general manager of three Moustache Café restaurants, but resigned after a few months. Philippe had a different ambition. That of establishing himself as a self-made man.
In 1983, he founded ARGILIER CORPORATION.

In 1984, he released a line of clothing targeted for the Los Angeles Olympic Games. He called it Philippe Charles International (PCI).
It was also at this time that he became passionate about the three major achievements of the city of Nice: The Palais des Congrès, inaugurated on March 31, 1984, which would become the number two most recognized “convention center” in France, after Paris.
The T2 airport inaugurated on May 22, 1987, which would become one of the largest airports in France. The Arena, inaugurated on February 14, 1990, which would become the first business center of the Riviera, bringing together 350 companies and employing more than 7000 people. On a voluntary basis, he offered his services to Mr. Medecin free-of-charge, as an advisor, for the creation of these three projects. They saw each other frequently in Los Angeles where they discussed their vision for their city. Thanks to this collaboration, Philippe learned how projects of this scale are set up and positioned within a municipality.
This learning would serve him many years later when he worked at a government level.
“In 1991, Philippe set up a publishing house and a production company in financial partnership with BMG ARIOLA Belgium.
He also decided to invest in the domain of HORECA.
In 1992, he headed up several restaurants. He also ran several nightclubs including Empire, the largest gay nightclub in Belgium, which he kept for a year until selling it at the end of 1992.
He lives in Paris, in front of 55 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré. The view from his room is none other than that of the courtyard of the Elysée.
He then became passionate about operational structures which develop and supervise the set-up of offshore companies.
From 1994 to 1999, he returned to live in the United States where he decided to invest in several film production houses by buying the majority of their stock, which brought him to the stock market.
He had an idea, that of buying big companies on the verge of bankruptcy to sell them to multinationals. He was one of the pioneers of creating a virtual market for supply and demand on the stock exchange.
He set up a joint venture with several of his father’s friends in Latin America where they pursued land developments including resort developments that led him to governmental contracts.
His father died on July 27, 1999.
” When shooting the My Baby clip. In 1991, I set up a publishing house and a production house in Belgium. After signing a contract for several albums, for my girlfriend who later became my wife, I decided to finance the My Baby clip in partnership with BMG ARIOLA. I also decide to play the role of the “bad boy” who falls in love with this very glamorous girl. This shot was taken after shooting the garage scene.”

After a dramatic event that he experienced with his wife on December 14, 1999, he decided to return to live on the Côte d’Azur to get back to his roots.
At the end of 2000, his office informed him that a diplomat from a sovereign African country would like to meet him. He accepted and they met in Monaco at the Hotel de Paris.
The diplomat in question told him that his President had been very impressed by his career and, as such, proposed that he become his private adviser to structure the economic expansion he wanted to achieve in his country. In fact one of the friend of this President was none other than one of the financial partners of Philippe who had become wealthy thanks to financial investments recommended to him by Philippe.
From 2001 to 2015, Philippe obtained consulting proposals from several countries for state projects in tourism, telecommunications, energy and asset management.
He thus became the private advisor to several Presidents. This is how he positioned himself as the most influential and respected man in this field of activity.
He was referred to as “the man in the shadows”. All his consulting work was the subject of the utmost confidentiality.
For 15 years, he operated through systems he set up for the economy of several countries. Several information networks were created at this time.
It was also during this period that he decided to become involved in humanitarian causes.
He then had to face the cruel reality of which he had already become aware; that humanitarian causes are far from being the priority of our rulers.
This reality hit him hard and he decided on, December 11, 2006, to fund a unit to care for child victims or suspected victims of abuse at the Archet Hospital, University Hospital of Nice.
The head of the pediatric department had presented him with a file concerning care for child victims or suspected victims of abuse. He was looking for funds. Apparently, a request had been presented to the General Council of Alpes Maritimes and the Mayor of Nice, unfortunately without any favorable consequences for financing this project.
Shocked by this indifference, and determined to make these institutions aware of the gross mistake they were making by not taking the abuse of our children into account, he decided to finance a third of the total budget, provided that the General Council of Alpes Maritimes, as well as the City Hall of Nice, committed to contributing the same amount for the creation of such a unit. In wanting to finance a third of the total amount of the budget, Philippe wanted to put pressure on these public institutions by pushing them to finance this committee with him, but in vain !
For Philippe, working for the most disadvantaged children is a top priority and not negotiable because, as he says, “all children are, without exception, the responsibility of all of us, if only in some small way. You just have to look into a child’s eyes to understand that there is a wonderful world to be discovered through him. It is these children who hold wisdom and absolute love, unconditional love and it’s up to us adults to find humility and accept that all these children are there to guide us and bring us peace.”
Philippe insists that we must do everything to preserve the innocence of children because they are the ones who will forge the future of our society, with our support.
In order to set up this unit with the competent authorities involved in such matters, namely the police and the judicial system, Philippe proposed to organize a meeting with Mr. Christian Estrosi, President of the General Council of Alpes Maritimes, at the time also Minister Delegate for Territorial Development, with Attorney Jacques Peyrat, Senator and Mayor of the city of Nice, with Mr. Pierre Marie Bourniquel, Departmental Director of Public Safety Alpes-Maritimes, with Eric de Montgolfier, Public Prosecutor, and Mr. Jean-Jacques Romaret, General Director of the Archet Hospital, University Hospital of Nice, to establish the terms and conditions of such an association.
None of these people had the decency to respond to his invitation.
Attorney Senator and Mayor Peyrat sent him a letter stating that his proposal had been forwarded to the responsible service. Mr. Romaret, under pressure from Mr. Xavier Bertrand, Minister of Health and Solidarity, wrote him a letter indicating that he was prepared to continue the project, but unfortunately, without the support of the authorities, nothing could be done.
Shocked by the indifference of the authorities in place, Philippe decided to inform Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, Minister of State, Minister of the Interior and Regional Planning, Mr. Pascal Clement, Attorney General, Minister of Justice, Mr. Xavier Bertrand and Mrs. Bernadette Chirac.
After this refusal of cooperation, Philippe financed a humanitarian project which he alone conceived and organized. This concept was the only one in the world to allow use of a debit card or credit card for any payment, while contributing, without additional cost and in complete transparency, to the humanitarian causes chosen by the card holder.
Very involved in many foundations and charities, he has chosen to remain discrete about his identity and the amounts he contributes.
From January 2014 to the end of November 2018, he was preparing for his introduction through the French media planned for October 2019, but following the events of November 17, 2019 , he decided to postpone his media launch for a month to line up with this first anniversary date of November 17, 2019. Following the Yellow Vests movement of late 2018, he decided to join their cause which had begun a year before his media launch.
Until December 6, 2018, his name and image remained totally unknown to the media, or only slightly known. Among others, an article dating from September 15, 1992 mentioning the Empire, and an article from November 18, 2008. He then agreed to be photographed for the launch of a humanitarian foundation that belongs to one of his friends, of the Black Eyed Peas musical group. The press had referred to Philippe as “business mogul”.
Philippe wrote an autobiography titled “Le Créancier” (The Creditor). He has not published it yet. In his autobiography, you discover how the “mechanism of government activities” works.
Among other things, you also learn that he met His Holiness the Dalai Lama. With the support of his prime minister Samdhong Rinpoche, he set out the various political and diplomatic steps to facilitate his return to Tibet, but the counter-attack of the US government made his Holiness fold.

“At a private gathering with my wife and my two children at my home in Beverly Hills. On my right, Marla Maples, ex-wife of Donald Trump. On my left, Samdhong Rinpoché, President of the Tibetan parliament, with the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Indian-American lecturer writer, his son, and the Reverend Michael Beckwith, founder of AGAPE INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUAL CENTER.”
On a different note, you discover the very close friendship that had with Michael Jackson whom he met towards the end of his life in 2008. He had become his friend and his close confidant. You learn what really happened in 2009. To this day, he is the only one to know this truth.
“Michael Jackson had contacted me to participate in a humanitarian program I had developed that focused on the poorest children on our planet. I had told Michael of my intention to buy Neverland so that both his family and mine could live there to prepare for the program. Neverland was bought by Thomas Barrack, an American investor whom I had invited to my home in Beverly Hills to meet him. Dr. Tohme, Michael’s consultant with whom I’d had several exchanges, was involved in this transaction. In this shot, I’m with Marlon Jackson at Neverland after Michael’s death.”

“After the one-man show, “the undisputed truth”, of Mike Tyson in Monaco on the stage of the Hall of Stars, Thursday, October 9, 2014, we met with friends in his suite at the Hermitage hotel.”
Today, through RDH, Rassemblement des Droits de l’Homme, and through HRU, Human Rights Unity, Philippe is committed to enabling people to live in a fair world. Since December 14, 1999, he has sworn to give himself the means to one day take revenge on life by making humanitarian justice accessible to all. Since 2014, he has the elements to take his revenge.
The birth of his two daughters only fortified his convictions.
It is for this reason that, after fifteen years spent advising various heads of state on how to manage the economies of their countries, Philippe has decided to step out from the shadows and put his expertise in matters of state to the service of his country, France.
Five factors led him to make this decision:
The first was motivated by the promise he’d made to himself to make social, financial, economic, diplomatic, and humanitarian justice accessible to his country, France, and to humanity.
The second factor was motivated by his conscience. In fact, he could no longer continue to facilitate what he refers to as activities of the state, while also keeping his integrity. Too many governments maintain a high level of opacity surrounding their activities. Today, the burden of information that he carries on his shoulders is a gift for our country, for our humanity.
The third factor was motivated by his commitment to protect the environment.
The fourth factor was motivated by the earthquake that our country experienced during the last presidential elections. Philippe specifies “that one does not claim to be a statesman, one is a stateman. One does not try to lead a country, one leads it. One does not promise reforms, one applies them. One does not speak in the name of France, one is the voice of France”.
The fifth factor was motivated by his commitment to give the French what the French have given to France.
In complete transparency, he wants to give his country the means to fully fulfill its functions as an elite country where the right of truth is assured.
His mission is global.